Dark Forest (itch) Mac OS

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A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Your spirit has found its way here, to the Dark Woods. A place between place ruled by no one, subject only to the laws of nature. But be warned, you are not the only one here. Do not expect the niceties of your peaceful world to hold here. This is a place of predator and prey. Those larger than you will try to devour you and those smaller will. Forest team partners with a real-tree-planting organization, Trees for the Future, to plant real trees on the earth. When our users spend virtual coins they earn in Forest on planting real trees, Forest team donates our partner and create orders of planting. This is a tale with little meaning and little hope, born from months of uncertainty and dark thoughts. The gameplay is close to non-existent, and the graphics are little more than boxes and shadows. Hopefully, this game will open doors for people who need it, give a good scare for those who so desire, and make some others think. Explore the dark forest and help the people you find along the way! Play in your browser. Mac OS Build.zip 78 MB. Itch.io View all by voxlap.

Visit the official home page for full details and gameplay instructions.

Black Forest is a turn-based multiplayer online game about cooperation, betrayl and survival. It is for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux.

You and every other player guides a family of peasants living in the Black Forest in medieval Germany. You are isolated from the outside world, and every night wolves, bears and worse come out of the forest. During the day, you need to plant and harvest, and build defenses.

Cooperation and Betrayl

The village consists of private lands and common lands. Everyone can plant, harvest or build on their own and on common grounds, and every family can find shelter for the night in their own houses or houses on common ground.

You can also take control of neighbouring land. To expand, to make lands owned by families who perished useful for the community again, or to gain control of structures your neighbour built.

With this combination, you can work together with others to secure the village, or you can let them die and focus on your own survival. But they might join forces and take your land, so you have to be diplomatic about it, or tricky.


To survive, your family needs two things:

  1. Food for the day
  2. Not getting eaten at night

Food you can find by planting and harvesting, or by gathering mushrooms and berries in the forest.

Shelter (so you don't get eaten) you can build from wood and stone, both of which you have to gather in the forest. However, those creatures of the night can damage buildings if they smell tasty humans inside, so you will occasionally have to repair or replace those houses. Or have one in reserve, in any case.

Darker and darker...

With every passing day, the nights get darker and colder. Every night, more and more dangerous creatures will come out of the forest. You will need more and thicker walls to keep them at bay.

How long can you survive?


In the end, you cannot win against the forest. But you can win against your fellow players. Because the last survivor wins the game.

Which means that there are two paths to victory. To prolong your own survival, or to cut short that of the others.


Decisions, decisions, decisions...

Black Forest is full of decisions. Where to build a wall? Grow food or build defenses? Work with the others or against them? Contribute to the common good or your own? Focus or diversify? Stockpile or live day-to-day? Trust, or betray?

These decisions and the way to make them are an important part of the game. Do not underestimate communication with the other players in your village. Be aware that they can be tricky, or trustworthy. Spot opportunities. Use them. Survive.

Visit the official home page for full details and gameplay instructions.

StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
GenreStrategy, Survival
TagsMultiplayer, resource-management, Turn-based, Turn-based Strategy
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse
MultiplayerServer-based networked multiplayer
LinksSteam, Homepage, Facebook, Community, Dev Blog


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You must be 18+ to view this content

Succubus Crest may contain content you must be 18+ to view.

Are you 18 years of age or older?

A downloadable game for Windows and macOS


The adventure begins shortly after a powerful Succubus has been sealed away. You, the main hero have come with an agreement with a beautiful succubus, to work under her in order to restore her power with a great reward, whatever you heart desires.

Shortly after, an acquaintance you make in the wilds gives you a way to start restoring her power, by placing a Magical Crest on both of you.

You now have to wander around the world in order to mate with girls and increase your ally's powers as her enemies prepare for their evil plot.

Depending the path you choose to follow the story and the NPC's will change their behavior towards that.


Are you a Charmer or a Stud?

Information Regarding game

Succubus Crest is a RPG adventure-puzzle type of game. You have to solve riddles, increase the relationship with other characters in the game and explore the vast world of Evather!

How to Support

The continuation of this project is made possible thanks to the help and support of Patreon and itch.io. If you are interested in helping fund the continued development of Succubus Crest, or would just like to see more 'premium' features, visit here:


You can also support the project here on itch.io Succubus Crest is still in early development but it is free to play. When you download it you have the choice to donate a minimum amount or not this is not necessary, you can also support by advertising the game! If you have played and want to see more please consider supporting.

= Artist =

= Fetishes =

- Foot fetish



-Vanilla sex



-Gangbang / Orgy



Dark Forest (itch) Mac Os X


-Avoidable NTR / Netori

-Foot worship


-And more more more to be added!

StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, macOS
GenreAdventure, Role Playing
TagsAdult, Eroge, Exploration, footjob, Hentai, RPG Maker, Story Rich, succubuscrest


Click download now to get access to the following files:

Development log

  • Succubus Crest v0.0.25b is out.
    35 days ago
  • Succubus Crest v0.0.25a is out!
    52 days ago
  • Devlog 03-Mar-2021 - Early release is right around the corner!!!
    60 days ago
  • Devlog 17-Feb - 21 - Scene poll results!
    74 days ago

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i must say i love this game you work very well i enjoy this and im so glad you create this story <3

Thank you so much for your kind words. I'm working on next part currently, let's hope it comes out the soonest possible. Make sure you hang around our Discord server / Twitter or Patreon if you wish to support for news-updates.

i want help i can't do nothing now after i set gem and i have caravan master on 75 % and lili now go to find us becour rita told her just i can't continue now and i dont know what i can do xD now i had 0 main and 0 side quest

If you have visited hero's house, then that's where this version ends for now.

Hello nfGRIM1, I deleted your comment because of the way you wrote it. If you wish to re-phrase it in a way that is not offensive for no reason, then of course I will allow it on the game's page whether it is negative or not.

Regarding the scenes, yes it is something we are aware of. Just understand that poll results are decided by Patreons, who are making this game possible through their support. It is in my plans to add more varieties including vanilla scenes that you mentioned, just keep in mind that a scene takes 10-15 days to make in the minimum, not to mention the high costs of it.

If you wish in any way to support the game and suggest the scenes you would like to see, you're more than free to do so through the Patreon.

If you believe my game is worth 1*, then you're more than free to rate it as such. But you don't have to go through the effort of making 10 accounts just to leave that many negative ratings, as far as I know a person is allowed of one rating on this website.

Best regards,


99 days ago(1 edit)

And you letting patreons write a single fetish into being the only fetish in the game is only going to hurt you. Isn't that ironic? Why would the vast majority of people who dont like feet support a game that is atm 90% feet? You have already let your polls drag yourself into a hole.
Suggestion, once a niche fetish wins keep it out of the next few polls so you can have variety and a actual dom path.

I'm not into feet at all and i really enjoy this game. I think there are 4 scenes out of 15. You should probably check your math there. Just because the fans enjoy feet doesn't mean its only feet. Also all the feet scenes are optional. If you don't like it, skip it.

Okay, I've been looking for about an hour for the Mandragora root. I've been looking around the mountain area from 23pm - 1am. Still haven't found it. Anybody know where and when I can find this?

Ya I came across that problem, might be an idea to make it more visible, have a sparkle or when you get close have the PC mention its around here.

I ended up cheating and adding it to my inventory as I couldn't see it.

Hello loren44, I think this is a windows file you're missing and not game-related it seems.

Im actually hoping this game grows! Could use a little futa doe. Great game. Peace!

-That one game reviewer

Dark Forest (itch) Mac Os X

If you enjoyed it, consider supporting it. We host polls on Patreon with votes like that for the players to get what they would like to see next :)

You took the horse out of the caves in v0.0.1c. I hope its ok

The horse is ok, it should still be in the version just appearing on different days, I wonder if anyone has witnessed the full easter egg

There is more to the horse? Looks like I need another play through, lol

I checked both the mountains & the hills in the forest area at midnight & I can't seem to find the mandragora root.

It is only out for an hour, so if you take too long it goes away

You need to search really well, did you talk to the bartender for one of his money choices?

Well I found the town one, but I haven't payed for the 25 coin from his money choices, will that help?

Oh wait I got it you just have to be go through everything.

This game seems interesting and I would love to see more of this! Say I don't know if you are taking suggestions or not but maybe you can put something like a Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade type puzzle but different. Idk just a thought

I would love to see what you have in mind, can you link?

Something like this but different

Ah! that's a classic, yes I have puzzles like this in mind. Thank you for your suggestion. :) Don't forget to enter the twitter giveaway contest

hi i downloaded the game and the following image appeared on my computer reporting an error and i don't know what i might be doing, is there any solution?

Hello, when did this occur? Can you give me a bit more information?

I see, appearing right off the bat makes me believe it's something different.

What OS are you using? Have you downloaded some RPG Maker resources to run that other game? If so they might be conflicting with this game.

I think your best bet is to try on a different machine or a different OS, can you please try running it on a different computer (With the same file of course) and let me know what happens?

hey man i'm unable to save my game, whenever i go to save and select a save file and click on save, the game doesn't save and just sends me back to file selection

Hello CreampieMaster609,

Please create a folder with the .exe file named 'www' and inside this folder place a folder called 'save'.

Let me know if this solution fixes your issue.

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